Customer Stories

Funding Societies
WhiteCoat Global

Leading health & wellness platform offers seamless PayNow as a payment method with the support of Acme.

WhiteCoat Global is Southeast Asia's leading omni-channel health & wellness platform, offering online and in-person care to individuals, insurer bases and corporates for everything from GP to specialist care.

WhiteCoat Global partnered with Acme to rollout a seamless real-time payments solution in Singapore to allow their customers to pay by PayNow directly to WhiteCoat's bank account as part of the checkout flow.

Read more abut this on our blog.
As WhiteCoat Global expands within SEA to be the first and single healthcare touchpoint for our users, we recognise that payment processes play a key role in the care journey. Recognising that real-time bank payments are becoming more prevalent than card payments, we sought to work with Acme Technology to accelerate bank integrations, resulting in a smoother and more efficient process for our customers.

- Alex Lew, CPO, WhiteCoat Global


Go-Live in under 3 months
WhiteCoat Global went live with the PayNow payments option in less than 3 months of engaging Acme.
Instant adoption of a new payment method
Once live, seamless PayNow saw an immediate and fast growing adoption by its customers, organically.
Active implementation time of <2 weeks
By working with Acme, WhiteCoat Global spent under 2 weeks of active engineering efforts to deploy the solution.


As a fast growing omni-channel health & wellness platform in the region, WhiteCoat Global had two primary objectives when it came to its payments roadmap:

(a) Making sure that every touchpoint, including payments, is a seamless experience that considers what their end customers want to pay with.

(b) Finding viable ways to manage payment costs as the businesses continues to scale, without compromising on the customer experience or introducing friction into the process.


Acme worked with WhiteCoat Global to implement a seamless real-time payments solution for customers, starting with Singapore but with a plan to serve the company in the region.

Through this partnership, WhiteCoat Global was able to:

(a) Broaden its payments offering to customers by offering seamless PayNow, in addition to credit cards, riding on the growth of real-time bank transfer payments in Singapore and the region.

(b) Introduce a new way to make real-time payments seamless for customers, without having to scan a QR code.

(c) Receive funds for these transactions immediately and directly in their own bank account, without having to pass through a third-party intermediary.

(d) Save on payments costs by >60% as the business grows.

By working with Acme, WhiteCoat Global was able to go-live with the new payments offering within a few months and with minimal engineering effort. Fruits of the labour are starting to be reaped, with the company seeing a growing adoption of the new payment method introduced.